Beware of Transaction Fraud!
Currently there are many circulating receipts in the name of Indah Logistics. When the residence number was checked, it turned out that the receipt number was not found. It could be that the system hasn't been updated or it could be because the residence number is invalid. However, stay alert because currently there are many modes under the guise of fake receipts.
Every transaction carried out by Indah Logistik, will be given a receipt. There was no receipt of the receipt after you delivered the package because every transaction made by Indah Logistik already has an active receipt and can be tracked through the official website www.indahonline.com
Make sure your beautiful friend stay alert and make transactions in a trusted Branch /Indah Logistics Agent.
Beware .. Beware .. Beware ..
For questions or other information, you can contact:
Call Center: 021-8062 7000
Whatsapp Official: 0811 894 4456
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Currently there are many circulating receipts in the name of Indah Logistics. When the residence number was checked, it turned out that the receipt number was not found. It could be that the system hasn't been updated or it could be because the residence number is invalid. However, stay alert because currently there are many modes under the guise of fake receipts.
Every transaction carried out by Indah Logistik, will be given a receipt. There was no receipt of the receipt after you delivered the package because every transaction made by Indah Logistik already has an active receipt and can be tracked through the official website www.indahonline.com
Make sure your beautiful friend stay alert and make transactions in a trusted Branch /Indah Logistics Agent.
Beware .. Beware .. Beware ..
For questions or other information, you can contact:
Call Center: 021-8062 7000
Whatsapp Official: 0811 894 4456