Diskon Ongkir Awal Tahun


Early Year Postage Discount

Welcome the new year with a special early year shipping discount promo. There are shipping discounts every day for shipping via land and sea. Enjoy shipping discounts of 30% to 40% every day.

Terms and conditions:
- Only valid for deliveries using land and sea services throughout Indonesia
- 30% discount with weights from 11-100 kg
- 40% discount with weights starting over 100 kg
- Only valid for individual customers
- Only valid for cash and BB transactions
- Promo cannot be combined with other promos

Come on, send your goods now with Indah Logistics and enjoy the many benefits

Welcome the new year with a special early year shipping discount promo. There are shipping discounts every day for shipping via land and sea. Enjoy shipping discounts of 30% to 40% every day.

Terms and conditions:
- Only valid for deliveries using land and sea services throughout Indonesia
- 30% discount with weights from 11-100 kg
- 40% discount with weights starting over 100 kg
- Only valid for individual customers
- Only valid for cash and BB transactions
- Promo cannot be combined with other promos

Come on, send your goods now with Indah Logistics and enjoy the many benefits

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